Welcome to the freeway fight

Your onramp to get involved, in ways both large and small

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Join the 9,000+ people who’ve signed our petition opposing I-35. Signing the petition will also add you to our mailing list.

One-click unsubscribe if you’re not interested.

Takes 1-2 minutes

Whether you enjoy outreach, policy, writing, research, block-walking, chant-leading, or something else — we’re happy to have you! Participate as much or little as you’d like.

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Follow us on social for events, news, and snarky transportation memes.

Takes 2-4 minutes

Get to know fellow volunteers and community members by joining our Discord chat server.

Takes 3-5 minutes

Show your support for Rethink35 with yard signs, T-shirts, buttons, or more. Most items printed in local, union shops.

Pickup or delivery available in Austin.

Takes 1 minute

Our campaign is an all-volunteer, grassroots movement. Donations help us host events, pay for legal support, and create signs & flyers to help reach more Austinites.

Rethink35 Austin ✉️

Round Rock chapter ✉️

Georgetown chapter ✉️

San Marcos chapter ✉️

Manor chapter ✉️

University of Texas group 🖋️
To join, email us or (preferably) sign/resign the petition, indicating that you’re a UT student.

St. Edward’s University group 🖋️
To join, sign/resign the petition, indicating that you’re a St. Edward’s student.

Takes 1-2 minutes

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Move Texas forward with us
